
We’re proud that all METRO-owned transit vehicles are ADA accessible. On this page, you can learn more about our commitment to universal accessibility with information about:

  • Newly accessible bus stops
  • Accessibility features of METRO services
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and transit
  • Discounted fares for people with disabilities
  • METROLift paratransit service
  • Website accessibility and translation
  • Alternative accessibility formats
Accessibility icon
All METRO-owned transit vehicles are accessible
METRO rider on wheelchair boarding train.

Universal Accessibility

We’re committed to working towards making all bus stops meet or exceed the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, so all people – regardless of their age, size or ability – can access, understand and use all our facilities. Our principles of universal accessibility are:



Everyone, regardless of ability, should be able to use the same environment.



Services or facilities should accommodate a wide range of potential users.



Appropriate sizing and spacing should maximize mobility for all users.



The design should effectively communicate information for all users.



Elements should be arranged to minimize hazards and provide warnings.



Complexity should be eliminated; the facility should be easy to use for everyone.



Everyone should be able to use any METRO facility efficiently and comfortably.



The environment should offer an equally effective and satisfying experience for all.

Recent Accessibility Improvements

Over the years, METRO has made accessibility improvements to thousands of bus stops. Select on any map marker for more details on recently improved stops – including the intersection and route direction. The plus and minus symbols in the lower left allow you to zoom in or out. The square icon in the upper right allows you to open a larger version of the map in a new window. This map is more easily viewed on a desktop computer.

Riding METRO

All METRO-owned vehicles are ADA accessible. Explore the accessibility features each one offers by clicking or tapping on one of the tabs below.

  • On all buses, accessibility features include ramps or lifts which assist riders in wheelchairs or riders who use walkers
  • Many METRO buses offer, upon request, a kneeling feature to assist with boarding. Standees on lifts are permitted under the ADA
  • Two priority-seating areas for the elderly and people with disabilities
  • Equipped with an easy-to-reach call bell and special securement belts designed to secure the mobility devices of patrons who use a wheelchair or scooter in two 30"x48" wheelchair securement areas
  • Bus pads, sidewalk links and curb cuts at most bus stops
  • Solid-square bus poles at bus stops
  • Automatic audio and visual announcements on buses at major stops, main intersections and transfer points along routes
  • Large, bright destination signs on the front and sides of the bus
  • Lighted “Stop Request” signs inside the bus for riders with hearing impairments
  • Transit Centers connecting bus routes in neighborhoods across the region for safe and easy transfers

Rail Trains

  • All METRORail accessible stations feature audio and visual announcements explaining when the next train is arriving
  • Rail cars are level with the station platform for easy boarding
  • Automatic audio and visual announcements of stops inside the rail cars
  • Each rail car offers four areas for wheelchairs. No securements are required on the train. Riders using wheelchairs also may choose to sit in any space that is available to them
  • The rail car doors open automatically and have a sensitive edge that prevents closing if an object or person is detected in their path
  • Major bus transit centers Northline, Downtown, Midtown and in the Texas Medical Center connect the accessible METRORail with the accessible METRO bus service

Station Platforms

  • All platforms are ADA compliant
  • Sloped ramp access from both ends of the platform and level boarding that easily accommodates mobility devices
  • Variable Message Signs on all platforms
  • Exit left or right announcements in English and Spanish
  • Edge of platform marked with contrast-colored, 24-inch tactile warning strips with truncated domes
  • Accessible shuttle buses available when rail is not operational

METRORapid Vehicles

  • Modern accessible design, with wider doorways and level boarding
  • Two priority-seating areas for the elderly and people with disabilities
  • Equipped with an easy-to-reach call bell and special securement belts, designed to secure mobility devices of patrons who use a wheelchair or scooter in two 30” x 48” wheelchair securement areas
  • Automatic audio and visual announcements on vehicles at platform stops
  • Large, bright destination signs on the front and sides of the vehicle
  • Lighted “Stop Request” signs inside the vehicle for riders with hearing impairments

METRORapid Station Platforms

  • All platforms are ADA compliant
  • Sloped ramp access from both ends of level boarding platforms
  • Variable message signs on all platforms
  • Edge of platform marked with contrast colored, 24-inch tactile warning strips with truncated domes
  • Transit centers connecting other accessible METRO bus services

  • Using ADA accessible vans and minivans, METRO curb2curb accommodates a variety of mobility devices including wheelchairs, scooters and walkers
  • Boarding chairs are available to assist any patron who is unable to access the van using the stairs
  • Passengers are required to wear a METRO-furnished seatbelt while riding the curb2curb vehicle
  • For persons using wheelchairs, passenger safety requires that a curb2curb operator secure your wheelchair with specifically designed tie-downs. In addition, two seatbelts are provided:
    • A seatbelt goes around you and attaches to the floor while you ride 
    • While you are riding up or down on the wheelchair lift, a furnished seatbelt is available, but not required
    • All passengers must remain in place until the vehicle has stopped and the driver has removed the seatbelt and wheelchair securements
    • Under the ADA, standees are permitted on paratransit van lifts

  • Using ADA accessible vans and minivans, METROLift accommodates a variety of mobility devices including wheelchairs, scooters and walkers
  • Boarding chairs are available to assist any patron who is unable to access the van using the stairs
  • Passengers are required to wear a METRO-furnished seatbelt while riding the METROLift vehicle
  • For persons using wheelchairs, passenger safety requires that a METROLift operator secure your wheelchair with specifically designed tie-downs. In addition, two METROLift seatbelts are provided.
    • A seatbelt goes around you and attaches to the floor while you ride the METROLift vehicle
    • While you are riding up or down on the wheelchair lift, a METROLift furnished seatbelt is available, but not required
    • All METROLift passengers must remain in place until the vehicle has stopped and the driver has removed the seatbelt and wheelchair securements
    • Under the ADA, standees are permitted on paratransit van lifts

Although Star Vanpool vehicles aren't owned by METRO, ADA arrangements can be made as needed. Most vans are equipped with running boards and handles to assist patrons with boarding. We work with vanpool groups that require ADA accommodations to find the most convenient and comfortable option to accommodate all riders, including those with disabilities.

As a practical matter, vanpool groups often struggle to retain enough riders when there are expectations of accommodating one or more riders who need assistance to board the van. We work to offset this by not only covering all the extra costs to provide accessible vehicles, but also to cover some rider loss that results.

For example, we have a group of five in a special vehicle equipped for low-floor side ramp access for the one patron in a wheelchair. We even installed a floor locking feature to mirror the one the patron has in her personal vehicle so there was bi-reconfiguration of her wheelchair needed. This group would otherwise have been in a minivan with seven passengers sharing the cost. So we price the van such that the five riders pay the same amount they would pay individually if they were part of a seven-passenger group in a minivan.

Power wheelchair rider waiting by bus.

If you’re a person with a disability, you may be eligible for free or discounted fares.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is an important civil rights law passed in 1990 that has greatly increased transportation options for people with disabilities. The law called for improvements to transportation services, including the availability of paratransit service.

The ADA does not require a transit agency to meet all the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, but rather, it ensures that people with disabilities receive “the same mass transportation service opportunities everyone else receives.”

METRO has accessibility policies in effect system-wide that are designed to improve the transportation experience for all our customers.

METRO staff honor all reasonable requests for assistance. For example, upon request, staff will assist you with the following:

  • Boarding and exiting buses and trains
  • Lowering the bus by using the kneeler
  • Using the farebox and fare vending machines

All customers have the right to utilize accessibility equipment such as elevators, mobile lifts, mini-high platforms and bridgeplates.

Upon request, METRO staff are required to ask customers who are sitting in a priority seating area to move so that a customer with a disability who is boarding the vehicle can sit in the priority seat. If customers choose not to move, METRO staff should try to find another seat.

Service animals are always welcome on METRO vehicles and in METRO stations during all hours of service. The service animal should be kept out of the aisles as much as possible and under your control at all times.

For optimal results, we recommend you view this website with the most current version of web browsers Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari. METRO’s website is designed to function correctly with the latest version of iOS, Android, and the Chrome web browser.

Find out more details on the accessibility features of each platform:

Google Chrome

Using WCAG Version 2.1 level AA guidelines, this site meets these accommodations to help ensure that the site is accessible by users who rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers or other input mechanisms.

Google Translate is a service provided with the intention of improving our website access for people who speak languages other than English. Google Translate is a service provided by Google.

Any problems experienced while using Google Translate are outside of METRO's control. METRO is not responsible for the effectiveness of Google Translate. Note: Google offers an alternative translation page in a non-Java format.

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) will investigate all complaints from individuals alleging discrimination in METRO’s programs, services or activities, under the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Disability complaints alleging discrimination in programs, services or activities may be filed pursuant to the following procedures.

Any person who believes that METRO has discriminated against them based on their disability may file an ADA complaint, directly or through an authorized representative, by completing and submitting METRO’s ADA Complaint Form

If you have questions about the ADA complaint process, contact Erica Tucker at 713-739-4861 or

To ensure equal and safe access to all riders, this policy outlines the procedure for receiving, processing, and responding to requests for reasonable modifications to METRO's policies or practices by persons with disabilities.

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas ("METRO") is committed to providing safe, reliable, accessible and user-friendly services to our customers, including those with disabilities. To ensure equal and safe access to all riders, this policy outlines the procedure for receiving, processing, and responding to requests for reasonable modifications to METRO's policies or practices by persons with disabilities.


On March 13, 2015, the Department of Transportation issued a Final Ruling regarding 49 CFR Parts 27 and 37 Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities; Reasonable Modification of Policies and Practices. This ruling requires public entities providing designated public transportation services to make reasonable modifications/accommodations to policies and practices to ensure program accessibility. The rule further requires that public entities adopt a formal process for tracking and responding to said requests for modifications.


Effective July 13, 2015, METRO shall review and revise, the procedure to track all requests for reasonable modification to operational policies and practices to ensure services are accessible to persons with disabilities. As part of this implementation, METRO will:

  • Ensure all front-line operators are properly trained to recognize a request for reasonable modifications/accommodations related to a person's disability, and to properly document said request.
  • Review and revise the method of communication that allows front-line operators a means to communicate said request with dispatch personnel to ensure federal guidelines are met.
  • Review and revise training for all personnel who have contact with the public (Call Center staff, dispatch, road supervisors, etc.) to ensure they are properly trained on this policy.
  • Review and revise a tracking mechanism, within METRO's complaint database, for complaints related to requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure that passengers have an opportunity to escalate their requests.
  • Ensure that responses to requests and/or complaints are promptly completed and that if a request is not granted, that all steps to the extent possible are taken to ensure services are accessible.
  • Designate a single responsible employee as required under the Final Rule, to coordinate all efforts related to these requirements.
  • Ensure that all forms of communication with the public including website and print media contain information regarding this reasonable accommodation policy, how requests for accommodation can be made, and in a format that is accessible to an individual with a disability.


  • Individuals requesting modifications shall describe what they need in order to use the service.
  • Individuals requesting modifications are not required to use the term "reasonable modification" when making a request.
  • Whenever feasible, requests for modifications shall be made and determined in advance, before METRO is expected to provide the modified service, for example, during the paratransit eligibility process, through customer service inquiries, or through the METRO's complaint process.
  • Where a request for modification cannot practicably be made and determined in advance, operating personnel shall make a determination of whether the modification should be provided at the time of the request. Operating personnel may consult with METRO's management before making a determination to grant or deny the request.
  • Requests for modification of METRO's policies and practices may be denied only on one or more of the following grounds:
    • Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of the METRO's services, programs, or activities;
    • Granting the request would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
    • Without the requested modification, the individual with a disability is able to fully use METRO's services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.


Please call the following numbers to make a request for reasonable accommodation before using the service, if at all practicable:

For requests related to bus or rail services please contact Customer Care at 713-635-4000.

For requests related to METROLift please call 713-225-0119 or 713-652-8969 (TTY).

Information found on this website can be provided in an alternative format upon request. METRO will do its best to provide the requested alternative format within a reasonable time. If you have any tips on screen readers you’d like to share, we welcome your ideas. Please contact Customer Service at 713-635-4000 to speak to a representative or email the Accessibility Coordinator at

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