Board Meetings

Board Meetings are typically held at 10 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month, with committee meetings the week prior. Meetings are conducted in person at 1900 Main Street and live-streamed.

You can listen to any meeting by dialing the telephone number shown on that meeting’s agenda. If you’d like to make a public comment, you must register at least 48 hours before the meeting. For instructions, please email or call 713-739-4834.

Access our BoardStream portal below to livestream current Board or committee meetings, or view previous meetings on demand.

Attendees seated in METRO Boardroom at 1900 Main Street in Houston.


Here’s where you can livestream committee or Board meetings in progress – or view previous meetings on demand.

For the best viewing experience, we recommend using the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. All videos open in a new window. If you’re using a screen reader, you can close open windows on a PC desktop computer by holding down the “Alt” key and pressing F4.

Date Name Agenda Event
Date Event Agenda Documents Video

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RSS Feeds: Agenda (Open external link) | Minutes (Open external link) | Videos (Open external link)


Mailing address:

Board Office
Metropolitan Transit Authority
P.O. Box 61429
Houston, Texas, 77208-1429

phone: 713-739-4834
fax: 713-739-6963

METRO is committed to openness and transparency. We are also committed to the highest ethical standards in the performance of our services to the community. The public is entitled to assurances that its officials are guided by the public good. To this end, Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code may require the public disclosure of certain information concerning METRO Board members, local government officers and persons doing business or seeking to do business with METRO.

METRO Board members and other local government officers must file a Conflicts Disclosure Statement (FORM CIS) disclosing the business relationship with a vendor that METRO has contracted with or is considering contracting with if the Board member or local government officer (or his or her family member) has certain business relationships with that vendor.

Vendors doing business with METRO or seeking to do business with METRO are required to file a completed questionnaire (FORM CIQ) disclosing the vendor’s affiliations or business relationship with any Board Member or local government officer (or his or her family member).

As required by Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code, disclosure forms are available. Please select a link below to view the form. All forms are in PDF format and therefore require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view/print.

Access Conflict Disclosure Forms

Access Signed Code of Ethics Documents on Behalf of METRO Board Members and METRO Employees

The completed Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statements and Conflict of Interest Questionnaire should be mailed to:

Alva Treviño
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Metropolitan Transit Authority
1900 Main St.
Houston, Texas 77002

Completed CIQ & CIS Forms are kept on the website for two (2) years. Original documents are maintained in METRO’s Legal Department.

PDF copies will be available on this page after filing. Please note that Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code does not require METRO to disclose any information that is excepted from disclosure by Texas Open Records Act, Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code.

View completed conflicts disclosure statements

View completed conflict of interest questionnaires

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