Sole Source Awards

Description Company Amount Contact Date
METRO hereby gives notice that it is presently considering entering into a contract with Climatec LLC, for Building Automation Services (BAS). The estimated value of the contract will exceed $50,000.00. This notice is hereby posted in a prominent place in the principal office of metro for at least two (2) weeks prior to award of said contract in compliance with Section 451.111, Texas Transportation Code. Jennifer Robinson
METRO hereby gives notice that it is presently considering entering into a contract with Noregon Systems, LLC, for JPRO Diagnostic Tools and Software. The estimated value of the contract will exceed $50,000.00. This notice is hereby posted in a prominent place in the principal office of metro for at least two (2) weeks prior to award of said contract in compliance with Section 451.111, Texas Transportation Code. Jennifer Robinson
METRO hereby gives notice that it is presently considering entering into a contract with Cummins Aftertreatment and Diagnostics for Cummins Engine Diagnostic. The estimated value of the contract will exceed $50,000.00. This notice is hereby posted in a prominent place in the principal office of metro for at least two (2) weeks prior to award of said contract in compliance with Section 451.111, Texas Transportation Code. Diandra Singleton

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